Sitting on my orange throne....
Sunday Brendan and I had a great day together. We slept in which was nice since we wake up at 4 am every day of the week. We went for a nice 6 mile run together and the weather was gorgeous!! After we got back to the house I cooked up a yummy Zone breakfast - Cauliflower and chicken sausage frittata....and, yes it was GOOD!!! We decided to go over to Santana Row in San Jose to walk around - window shop - and eat at one of the many restaurants. We shopped for furniture, books, and whatever else caught our eyes. We had the best latte and fruit torte at the coffee shop - then had mexican food at the BEST place!!! The weather stayed warm and sunny and we loved to people watch. Let me tell ya, there are some fake ass people walking around Santana Row!!! We saw people with so much Botox in their faces and puffed up lips that they didn't even look like women....more like FISH!! Oh....and the hugest breast implants that I didn't even know how they kept from falling over on their puffed up faces! Anyway - coming back to laid back Santa Cruz was a breath of fresh air!!! We went into a furniture store and I saw this couch - I LOVE orange and I happened to have on the orange patent leather sandles and this couch matched HAD to pose!! what a fun day.....I love having days like that when I feel close to Brendan :)
Hey mama, you look stunning on that couch. Yes Santana Row is somethin' else aint it? Imagine what Rodeo Drive is like? Anyhoo, I bought kettlebells and need to know if you have any good workouts I can do with them. I did some lunges and squats with them and my legs were rubber all week. Hopee things are good with you, looks like you're happy as ever.
Hey girl....of course I know what to do with Kettlebells...DUH! I'm a CrossFit trainer silly girl! I keep telling you to come on down and I will run you through some awesome workouts.... Thanks for the sweet comment...I just LOVE the orange ;)
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