Okay so I am a little out of order here - but I wanted to catch up with my posts. I have been training hard and lifting heavy in the hopes to build some strength on this little frame of mine. If you read the post before this one you'll see that I PR'd on my 5 rep deadlift, my 3 rep shoulder press, and my 5 rep back squat this week. It's been a great week for me!! I believe that getting enough sleep (which I am lucky to do), eating healthy in the Zone, taking the right supplements, having the right programming and happiness in your life can move mountains in your training. I am really hard on myself as far as what I think I should be able to do and I am competitive sometimes to a fault. If I don't do what I had my mind set on it throws me off the whole day. Brendan is exactly like that but he never lets himself down! He's a machine...and I love it!
So....here's last weeks workouts:
Monday 4-14:
am: GHD sit ups, hip extensions, ab mat sit ups 3x15 reps
kb swings, bench press at 65#, pull ups 3x15
strength recoveryt workout
Tuesday 4-15:
am: Xfit WOD
40 pullups, 40 dips, 400 meter run
30 pullups, 30 dips, 400 meter run
20 pullups, 20 dips, 400 meter run
10 pullups, 10 dips, 400 meter run
pm: 8x200 meters 38-40 sec
39, 38, 37, 38, 36, 38, 38, 40
Wednesday 4-16:
am: 15-12-9-6-3
sumo deadlift high pull at 68#
push jerk at 68#
TIME: 9:54
Thursday 4-17:
am: Xfit WOD
25 situps, 250 meter row, 15 bench press at 65# How many rounds in 20 minutes ?
I did 6 rounds
pm: I ran 1 hour with a client at her pace...
Friday 4-18:
am: Xfit WOD
7 thrusters at 73#
7 pullups
800 meter run
5 thrusters
5 pullups
800 meter run
3 thrusters
3 pullups
800 meter run
TIME: 20:10
Back squat 3-3-3-3-3
125-135-135-140-145 NEW PR!!
pm: Tabata Treadmill
Saturday 4-19:
Sunday 4-20:
am: 10k jog recovery