This is a pic from our workout we did together the other day. Today we did a workout that I wrote...
run to hydrant (200 meters)
12 shoulder presses 45 #
12 back squats 105 #
run to fed ex (400 meters)
9 shoulder presses
9 back squats
run alley loop (600 meters)
6 shoulder presses
6 back squats
run Caldwell loop (800 meters)
3 shoulder presses
3 back squats
run big loop ( just short of 1 mile)
It was a great workout - very metabolic, which I wanted since I need it after Christmas. I programmed it with 21-15-12-9-6 reps, but changed it. I would have liked to go heavier with both weights, since it was too easy. Maybe 55# shoulder presses, and 125 # back squats. I finished in 22:10 with breaks in between and a nasty head wind on the runs. I finished my workout with some L sits, knees to elbows, GHD sit ups and stretches......do the workout and tel me what you think....