Last night (Friday) I finially got my kids back and I was so excited to see them!!! I decided we would have a fun filled night together just goofing off. First up - the Boardwalk. We played a mean game of laser tag where we beat the crap out of the other team. Of course, I won ;) Then we played games in the arcade for a while - Brandon and I had a intense game of air hockey going on and I thin we ended in a tie. Sarah and Mia played Dance Dance Revolution and some other fun games. We laughed and had a great time together. Then we headed to Boardwalk Bowl for a game. Mia got her first strike, Sarah got a strike - Brandon and I got some spares but mostly we got splits :( . Who cares, all that mattered was that i was with my kids and we were having a great time together. We didn't leave there until late then decided to get some movies at Blockbuster and head home. We got Jackass 2 which we all saw before but still laughed at how stupid those guys are and the gross things they do......I went to bed satisfied with my fun night with my great kids (and my other great daughter Mia). Today I think I may take them to the beach to play frisbee or something since it's been sunny here on 38th beach. Maybe go for a bike ride into Capitola for hot coffee & hot chocolate at Gayles ??? Hmmm....
You're a good Mommy!
Thanks for the kudos - how's the Zone treating you ? I'm so going out of it tonight for the fights!!!
The zone is pretty much non-existent right now. It's really hard to keep it up with no results :( We'll talk about it tomarrow. What time? Maybe I should call you.
First of all - you barely even gave it a week (strict) so for you to say "with no results" is premature. We will talk at our next appointment - tomorrow (Tuesday at 2pm) give me a call if you want to chat though. And bring your journal tomorrow as well. Heidi - I PROMISE you that if you do what I tell you to, and be 100% dedicated to it, you WILL most definitely see results.....
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