My grandma, cousins Lindsay, Michele, Lisa, me, Stacey and Mariah on Christmas Eve. These are only some of the cousins I wrote about a while back. It was great to see Lindsay and Stacey since they now live in Arizona and I don't get to see them very often. I'm taking Stacey to lunch on Wednesday before she leaves so that will be fun.... My grandma broke her leg and is in a wheelchair and cast so we all signed it for her ...I had a great Christmas Eve with the family in San Jose, and Brendan got to meet the rest of my family....they all loved him. We did our famous girft game where we draw numbers, pick a gift from the pot and we can steal whatever one we want from whoever we want to - but each gift can onoly get taken 2 times, then it's yours. We ended up with awesome gifts and a lot of laughs were had. A smoothis machine, and a backpack full of wine, crackers, and picnic utelsils. Brendan and i plan on taking it on a hike today and have a picnic on the beach ......enjoying Christmas. I miss my kids today, so the plan in to stay busy. Getting ready to go for a Christmas run with Brendan, then a hard ass Crossfit workout - which i will post later.....
Merry Christmas everybody!!!
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