Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Yesterday Brendan and I did a WOD from the main site a few days ago.

10 pullups
7 hand stand pushups
1 rope climb
7 ring dipps

How many rounds can you do in 20 minutes ?

I finished 5 rounds - felt very weak, because of eating out of the Zone here and there for Christmas. I didn't get to run, I have to back off and run every other day for a while and give my knee/hip a chance to heal. I also did some core exercises : 20-15-15 glute/ham sit ups, ab mat sit ups and 1 minute planks for 3 rounds. I'm working on strengthening my core more and getting my back stronger. Looks like I have some ab muscles in this pic ;) Brendan did the whole workout with his weighted vest on - crazy man! The workout looked extra hard the way he did it!! Posted by Picasa


Shedevil said...

Gees girl, even hanging upsidedown you look great :)

Shedevil said...

one more thing, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE??? Are you gonna make me do this? I hope not.