Alley Loop (600 meters)
30 snatches 25# dumbell right arm
30 snatches 25# dumbell left arm
Alley Loop (600 meters)
Tabata l sits mixed with Tabata l sit pass throughs/hold.
50 back extensions
50 GHD
stretches and more stretches.
It felt great to move, but it still was sore on the running sections. Tomorrow I will feel better and run for an hour. I had to be at Dominican Hospital this morning at 8:15 for an injection of some bad chemicals - not sure what it was but I had to go to Nuclear Medicina to get it! Then I returned 3 hours later to get my bone scan done of my pelvis hip area. I am hoping something shows up. My doctor cleared me of the bulging disk I had a few months back but suspects a stress fracture somewhere. Let's hope they can figure out what the problem is so i can get over it!! The technician was awesome! I think his name was Terrell - he has a 2:50 marathon at Boston and is interested in training with me at CrossFit. I gave him my number so we can set a first session date and time....cool huh ? I can't wait to train an awesome runner like he is!!!

WOW! It's amazing that that was your "easing back into it wod after my marathon & nuc med test" workout!
Congrats and hope the test went well.
Your funny!! I guess it did sound a little psycho huh ? I feel fine and I am hoping that the tests reveal what the problem has been for me. Thanks for checking in!! :)
Shari, now this is a very important question....where did you get those pants? I've seen others in ones that kinda look like them, maybe Eva or Nicole. They are so cute! Who are they made by?
Hry Slacker, way to get back to your workouts today--LOL :-)
Hello Shari, Enjoy your RUN tomorrow... I posted a topic on FOOOOD today...Stop by when U get a chance and leave me some of your favorite foods.
OMG - you will curse this day for me telling you about LULULEMON.com - they are THE best clothing store for women. Nicole from CrossFit HG told me about it - yes Eva wears them as well and I went there and spent 700.00 in like 15 minutes on workout wear!!! They fit great, make you look hot, and wear well....get 'em. Thanks for asking...
Thanks for all that!!I'm gunna stop[ on by your pas and see what you have been up to....
Thanks Shari for stopping by with some FOOD insights!... I checked out your November POSTS.
WOW!! Nice Pic LOOKS Like a 3:29:20 Marathon Body to me :-) actaully closer to a 3 hour time to be honest--haha
OK so I guess the ZONE's been working for ya huh...I will look into more.
Thanks Again,
I used to look like this, I miss it. I can't wait for you to get me there again Shari. You look awesome in this picture.
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