Burrrr...it's cold today! I have always loved the cold weather. You get to bundle up in sweaters, boots, hats, scarves. Cuddle up in a warm bed and be lazy...watch movies. I love it all. I went for a long run this morning and boy was it COLD out there! But, I still loved it. The storm is bringing in some huge waves, so there were a lot of surfers out at the point. It felt great to run outside again... I haven't since the marathon, because I was recooperating and using the treadmill instead. I just got the HUGE 42" HD Plasma TV that B bought installed on my bedroom wall and i am super STOKED!! This weekend will be all about relaxing in bed (after running of course) and watching movies. I can't wait!! My body needs the rest, and so does my mind! I've been struck with some news today that my x husband has gone out on some dates with my friend. It was hard to take at first, because I always thought friends and x's were off limits. She says it's not to that point yet - even if it is - I will be happy for him. He deserves to find somebody and be happy like I am. I want that for him. Plus I love her as a person and my kids know her - I guess that makes it easier, if there is an easier. I have been learning a lot of lessons about what friendship really is - some have been hard lessons - but there is always an upside to the down side, right ? I can only be responsible for how i act - not what is done to me. I have learned to communicate better and that talking about the hard stuff is good - not bad.
Thought for the day : "Success is determined by how you handle setbacks."
I have had my share of setbacks this year - but I am handling it okay I think. I am trying to embrace the quote that says "that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger" - I am getting stronger every day!! Having Brendan in my life has changed me for the better...I am thannkful for him more and more everyday!!! :)
I'm a stranger here - found you from Catra's blog.
BTDT with relationship and kids. Really glad to here you & x have a great attitude. Even so, it's not easy.
My son still slips up and makes comments like his mom & I will be getting back together. He knows that's not possible but I think fantasizing about it probably helps him cope, so I'm not sure I should destroy that fantasy.
Negative behavior hurts ourselves. No matter how it may hurt, your great attitude speaks volumes to your kids. They're watching and recording everything their mom & dad does.
Thanks for being strong and an inpiration. I feed off people like you to keep on being a source of positive energy for my friends.
WOW! Funny, I don't see me as being like you described, but hell - I will take it! I am learning every day and trying to cope as best I can for the children and to build a better relationship with my x. We met in Jr. High and have been great friends up until I cheated and left him. We are doing great so far, and I hope to become friends again ....How old is your son ? My kids used to say things like that too - then they realized it wasn't going to happen so they stopped. They have been great! Very loving, supportive and well adjusted. Keep your chin up!!
Shari WROTE:I can only be responsible for how i act - not what is done to me. I have learned to communicate better and that talking about the hard stuff is good - not bad.
BEST Part of your POST right there...well other then the 42in Plasma--LOLOL
How WE ACT when life has it's BUMPS in the road DEFINES who we are!
Shari, Your a trooper! I love how honest you are. That is so refreshing! By the way how cold does it get in CA? When I got up today it was in the low 20* maybe even in the teens! Yuck!
Give your man the Crossfit King a message that I'm waiting for a new blog post from him! Lets see what he's been up to!??!
Back when I was going to church the pastor did a sermon about that. "Attitude of gratitude - you cannot control what happens TO you, but you can control what happens IN you" I'm trying to embrace that thought even though I have had it with church people. Thanks for stopping by. Oh, and YES, the plasma RULES!!! :)
Thanks for your words! I am a *you get what you see* kinda girl and being honest feels really healing to me. I post my thoughts basically to get it out of me - I'm glad you think it's refreshing. Yea, I know Brendan needs to post new stuff for sure!! I'll get on him about it today ;) Oh, we are going to be doing a battle video for the Crossfit main page next week. Should be interesting - I'm the runner and he's all strength so the workout will be designed with both elements and we'll see who wins!! (Root for me!!)
I forgot to answer your question about the cold - okay so we are a little spoiled in Cali...it aint as cold as the teens...but it's cold enough for this girl. Stay warm!!
My son is 13. There never seems to be an "easy" age. I think the most we can do is make sure our kids know we love them and will be ther for them.
Hey I like waht your pastor said about attitude and gratitude.
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