YUP - that's exactly what i am doing. There have been many people in my life who made me feel like I wasn't good enough - that I couldn't do anything. Well, I am breaking out of that mindset and starting to take steps to become a new person, a stronger one. I want so much out of life - I am scared to grab it, but i am doing it anyway!! One little step at a time. It all starts with my insides....changing my mindset and becoming a strong woman. Hell, that's what the photo shoot was for - so I can see what a strong beautiful woman I am....not the peice of garbage that my inner dialogue tells me I am, or voices from my past. I am woman baby!!! Can you handle it ???

I love this picture! I hear ya!!!
Love yourself! You are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you're not!
I don't let those energy vampires in my life anymore.
When they come I just put a stake through their heart ;)
just ordered a bunch of cool stuff from these two web stores.
sourpuss.com They have a lot of Classic Hardware stuff. ordered some clothes from them.
I went to order a heart lock necklace for 32 bucks and well I checked out with 165 bucks on my credit card ;)
Don't go to crazy, I think you will we have the same taste in clothes and jewlery.
Good POST... Not sure why so many women are insecure inside...
I have MET so many AMAZING women in my life and still a lot of them doubt themselves internally over what people say...
WELL You GO Get it Shari!!...and it's OK to TURN off that MIND sometimes... I been telling people for a long time, the dang MIND can get in the way of our DREAMS sometimes so TURN it OFF and GO get It DONE!!!!
YES I may be new to this running but I am not NEW to success and making things happen!...I have IGNORED a lot of how I thought inside and what people thought, I just went with my GUT Feelings!
1% Doubt YOUR out!! and HOW you RAN that Marathon last week... I really Don't SEE too Many DOUBTS in YOU...
when they Come IN just TURN OFF THAT MINDDDDDDDDDDD--lol
PS: Great PIC
Tahnks girl! I had such a great time and all the pics turned out HOT! Wow - I didn't know I could look like that...I will arm myself with stakes and a hammer - I'm out to kill the vampires baby. Thanks for the hint ;) Oh - I am going to get online right now and check out those websites. I'm getting my girlfriend into Classic Hardware - maybe a Christmas gift ? Oh..and many for me of course!!!
OMG I love ya!!! Thanks you made me laugh! I will TURN IT OFF - that silly mind of mine!! Hey, glad you decided to come over to the crazy runner side. You will love it here :)
OMG Shari, awesome pic.
Thanks Heidi!
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