Brendan and I went on a little 4 mile run to Capitola and back. We also ran up the stairs 4 times racing each time. Of course - he won every round...I screamed when I heard him coming up fast behind me ;) I always imagine he's some serial killer chasing me and I'm running for my life! I guess I found out that I would have been caught, raped and murdered - because I LOST!! We had a great run/workout and headed home to do some core exercises : L-sits, ab mat sit ups, and 1 minute planks . Check out Brendan's blog to see him running up the stairs...he kicked ass! we're going to do it again, except he will be wearing the 20 pound weighted vest i bought him for Christmas the whole way. He's sick and i love it!!!
Shari, Glad you had a good Holiday. It's nice to workout with the one you love.
We had a fun day as well with family and friends. The best part was that I got a ride in the night before since it was so warm. Lots of CF stuff going on this month. Wish us well!
So hapy you got to ride....nice weather huh ? It's been storming here but today it's sunny so maybe I'll get to run later. What CF stuff are you up to girl ? Always well wishes - I'll stop by your site to see what your doing....
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