Another beautiful picture I took along my running route this morning - this is the Point along East Cliff where my baby surfs sometimes. There were some nice waves out there, and tons of people moving before eatting today! I went out for a 13 mile run from my house to the Boardwalk and back to Capitola Village then home. ...it was a perfect day for it. Brendan went surfing early with his dad when I hit the road - it's nice to have things that you enjoy seperately and even better to have things you enjoy doing together. On my run today I reflected on the past year and what it is that i am thankful for. There are so many things - mainly my children. They have been through so much with the divorce and all, and they have come through it all like champs. I love them so much for who they are. I am thankful for Randy - my x husband of 13 years and the father of my children. He gave me 2 precious people in my life - my kids. He gave us a great life together for all those years, he was an amazing friend to me, and he continues to show me grace even after all the hurt I have caused him. I am thankful for the relationship he shares with my children and how he puts them first...and for him extending forgiveness to me I am beyond thankful for. I am thankful to see Randy trying new things in his life - for stepping out into the world and running, climbing and so much more. I am thankful he has such amazing loving friends, including Catra, who love him and help him to see what an amazing man he is.
I am thankful for Brendan. He has shown me so much about myself that I wouldn't have learned without him. I am thankful that he doesn't let me get away with my moods - he gets me to talk and see that most grief is caused by me making things up in my head. I am thankful for his acceptance of me, for his acceptance of my children and his love for them. I am thankful that he pushes me to reach new heights in this life - to expand my way of thinking out of the box. I am thankful he supported and arranged for me to get certified as a CrossFit trainer, sometjing I have wanted to do for almost a year now. I am thankful I get to look into his eyes and feel his warmth for me. I am most thankful for a second chance to love deeply, and be loved by him. I am thankful for having such an amazing man in my life :)
This is a bitter sweet Thanksgiving for me, the first one since the divorce. I will not be having dinner with my children this year - that will be hard for me. But I am hoping to have dessert with Randy and the children this evening after Brendan and I have dinner with my family over in San Jose. I am thankful that Randy and I love our children so much that we are able to do things that for now seem a little uncomfortable. He has been my friend since 7th grade and I am hopeful that we will again have a friendship that I can be thankful for. This year....I am thankful for the hope of that.
What are you thankful for ? I'd love to hear from you....I am also thankful that I have a place full of people that want me to eat dinner with them - my family.
Have a beautiful Thanksgiving - tell everybody in your life you are thankful for them and that they matter....