Eva T., Coach, Me, Brendan and Nicole in Colorado this past weekend. I cannot say enough about how incredible the seminar was for me. Listening to Coach speak was so informative. He is amazing and the seminar taught me tons. We would listen to coach speak on a technique and watch Nicole perform it then head to the gym to practice it. We ended the day by doing "Fran" 21-15-9 thrusters and pull ups. The altitude gave me a problem even when i wasn't exercising because of my asthma - but I finished in 5:35 using 53 pounds - less then perscribed, but breathing with half a lung wised me up to not push it too hard. We all hooked up for dinner and drinks - then went to this huge arcade/bowling alley for more drinks and to just chill. I had a great time getting to know Nicole more and everybody made me feel like part of the CrossFit family. The one overwhelming observation I did make was about the connection CrossFitters have with eachother. Every person I met was from different states, backgrounds, athletic abilities and such - but the one common thread they all shared was CrossFit. The encouragement, loyality and support definitely showed among all the trainers I met, and even the people that were there to get certified or to learn more like me. I spent a lot of time listening and watching - that's how I take new things in. Thanks to everybody there who encouraged me throughout the weekend with the approving "nod" while I performed squats and cleans - and to Eva and B for getting me through Fran. You guys are amazing and I look up to all of you!!!
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