Then I get to CrossFit eagar to do a workout and what do i see on the board : THIS....:
100 over head squats with stick
800 meter run
Tabata squats
800 meter run
100 box jumps
800 meter run
I thought WTF!!?? But being the competitive good spot that I am I decided I would give it my best shot. Plus Zac egged me on.....I felt great, except after the box jumps that 800 hurt like hell!! Thanks Annie and Brendan for the torture...guess I have to get good at those 800's eh ? Now I get to start the tapering process and ease up on speed for the marathon. Tomorrow I will run slow easy pace with my running group which will feel great for a change!!
Thought for the day :
Communication is complicated. Remember that each person is raised in a different family with slightly different definitions of every word. An agreement is an agreement only if each party knows the conditions for satisfaction and a time is set for satisfaction to occur.

I just have to tell you, I love your tattoos Shari. Hope you had a great day! :-)
Thanks....I love them too. They tell my story of my life. I should take a few pics of them and post sometime....do you have any tats ?? Have a great day buddy!!
I love your tattoos too :) In fact - I love everything about you!!!
Yeah, I have a tribal sorta half-sleeve on my left upper arm & a sun on my left lower leg. You should definately post some pics of yours and Brendon's tattoos. I'd love to see them. I'd really like more, but my girlfriend isn't real keen on them. I really like them though. :-)
Well - tell your girlfriend that your decorating your temple...maybe get her into it too huh ? Tattooed chicks are WAY better than non tattooed ones ;) tee hee.....
Shari, what marathon are you running? Running is not my thing. I do it to stay well rounded and to spend time with my crazy dog. A few years ago I ran the ARMY 10 miler, it was hard for me. Now put on a bike and I can ride for hours!
Tattoos are like body blog, they tell your story. I wish I could get more! Owning a house kinda takes most of the extra cash.
I love to run! I run everyday and it never gets boring, old, or redundant to me at all. I'm running the California International Marathon in Sacramento this weekend on the 3rd. Make sure to send me some positive vibes, okay ? Cycling is fun too - but I sorta suck at it. I race duathlons too but the biking part is hard for me...I have to catch up on the running sections. Yup-owning a house sure does suck you dry, doesn;'t it ???
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