Today's workout was hard, but after being inspired yesterday by those incredible O-lifters I was ready to dig in! Brendan ran the show for the 9:00 class - we did clean & jerks with pullups 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps. I used 25# dbs for the c&j and real pull ups. Then we did L-sits Tabata style mixed with 50 ab mat sit ups - hands behind the shoulders x2. I finished first, but forgot my time. Brendan had us do a new twist to the L sit today....a pass through with a L hold at the finish ! I thought L sits were hard enough....but this made them even harder!! I just LOVE the way he comes up with exercises and how he mixes them together to form a tough workout. I look forward to learning more about technique and training by watching him closely. Hey, that won't be a problem for me since i can't take my eyes off of him as it is ;) This am I ran 7 miles at an easy pace on the treadmill at 6:00...tonight I get to run with Nicole for about 7 along the ocean. Maybe Brendan will come too!! Bren just registered me for my first level of certification as a CrossFit trainer...we fly out this Friday for Colorado where I will attend the cert seminar to learn, and he will be a head trainer.
I can't wait!!! I am so excited to finially start the steps to becoming a trainer! I have been interested in training people for about 6 years now, but never took it to the next level since I was home schooling my children full time then. Brendan has been instrumental in pushing me along to better myself and to get focused on what I want out of life. There are so many reasons he came into my life, that being just one of them. He tells me all the time that i can do anything. I have a bad habit of saying negative things about myself and believing them. He makes me stop the talk and gives me positive words about myself in place. I actually don't know when or where I picked up the belief system that I am a failure and will never be successful at anything...some of it goes way back to my childhood for SURE...but the rest just lies in me being overly critical of myself and my performance. It ends up paralyzing me to the point where I am afraid to even try. NO MORE!!! This week I am going to focus on the good in me, the goals I have accomplished and the successes I have had. Every day....baby steps. Getting on a plane will be difficult since I am terrified of flying ever since I lost Geoffrey, the first love of my life, in a plane crash. I'm going to try and be strong, to not let fear grip me and overwhelm me. Send me some love!!!
Hey Shari, Good Luck with the flight this weekend. I hate flying, but think about the goodness that will come when you get to your destination. I try to think about the fun at the end of the trip (usually it is Disneyland for us. haha.)
I think I remember Geoffrey. I could be wrong, but I think Kim and I might have hung out with you two. Long blond hair, rocker like. Of course, that was the look back then.
Yes..that was Geoffrey. I remember us all hanging out too....I will remember to have fun on the flight and to think about where i am going to. Thanks for the comment.
Wow, I amaze myself. I can not remember people I went to school with for 4 years, but I can remember a guy I met maybe twice. I guess it was because he was lucky enough to date the hottest rocker in the school.
Make the flight easier? Have a couple drinks!!
Brian - "hottest rocker" haa haa!! That cracks me up! Yup - it was the hardest thing I have ever gone through losing him and getting the phone call....man. YUK! Quick...change the subject.....we can't remember things because we fried our brains WAY too much back then..now we are playing 'catch up' to grow new cells. ;)
Just remember flying is really safer than driving.
Stay positive. I take rescue remady by Bach flower thay sell it at any health food store it keeps me relaxed when I'm stressed or when I fly.
Have a great time. I love Colorado I go there two times a year. The San Juans are one of my favorite mountain ranges to run in.
I've always wanted to be a personal trainer that's what my brother does.
When i started crossfit I thought I'd love to be a crossfit trainer.
It's something I'm considering. My brothers friend is a crossfit trainer. I think my brother is interested too.
Have a beautiful time.
What's your brothers name ? I bet Brendan knows him. Yea, I love CrossFit and can't wait to start training people! Thanks for the 'calming' note - I will check out that herb and see of it helps. There's always Valium I guess...I don't like to drink on planes though, I get sick :( Must be nice to be able to fly to a different state just to do a run. I guess that's what not having children is like, huh ? Well....I'll just take them with me on some of my upcoming adventures. Thanks for the stop by girl. Take care.
Hey Shari-
My Brothers name is Jay he works at Pinnicle fitness in Black Hawk.
He also has a group fitness class he teaches outdoors in Danville 3 days a week. My brother is an amazing guy and Father he just had baby #2 Destiny.
Yes, i can travel because i have no kids.
I suppose if I had met the right person when i was younger and got married I would of had kids.
That wasn't Gods plan for me.
Shari, you have many years ahead of you to travel and run. And as the kids get older they can come along and join you.
I can't wait until next year I will go to Costa Rica. And Morocco again to race.
Have a great night.
God's plan is always the best even if we don't understand it or necessarily agree with it. I am thankful His plan for me was to become a mother....it is the most rewarding beautiful role in life there is. I know I have many years ahead of me to run and travel and do whatever i want when the kids are older....I like taking them with me when I travel too...it makes me feel better to have them near me ;) Hey, I'm going to Costa Rica too next year.
Hey Shari-
Have fun in Colorado and you will be fine on the plane.
Randy mentioned you were going to go to Costa Rica. There is a race called the Coastal Challenge it's a 6 day stage race through the Jungle it's in Febuary, I think it's 150 miles. You carry most of your gear. I love multi day stuff.
Looks like I'm going to do a 72 hour run the end of December called Across the years.
I'm always up for a challenge.
Have fun!
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