Brandon needed me at home to take care of him, so at least the miles got in and I feel better starting my day off right. I am registered for the Mt. Diablo Trail Challenge half marathon tomorrow - but it looks like the mountain will have to put others besides myself to the test. I was looking forward to running those trails in the mud and getting really dirty. But, there is always another race and another time.... I just hope Brandon gets better quickly. I HATE seeing my children sick and uncomfortable. So...if I can run 10 miles in one spot staring at a wall....you should get out there and MOVE today. You'll be glad you did. Cheers!!!

Good vibes for your race!!!!!
i hope that your sons is better....
Thanks Jullian. I'm not doing the race because my son is sick...there's always next year :)
oh OK
you could training 1 more year
and maybe won...
i hope that your sons is better....
Hey Shari-
What a good Mom you are.
You know my friends Sara & Wendell put on a couple trail runs out there during the year. Check there web-site and do there Mt. Diablo run.
When are you going to bump it up and run an Ultra. I think your ready ;)
Catra -
Thanks...I am trying everyday to become a better and better mom. I LOVE my kids!! Yea - i do Wendell's races. They're from PCTR right ? I just did the seacliff Beach trail run 25 miler. (well I made it a 25 miler cuz we got lost a little ) I have done their Santa Cruz Trail Run 35k which was fun because there was a river crossing...woo hoo!! The race I missed WAS the Mt. Diablo. *sigh* next year .....
Hmm...doing an ultra....I WILL attempt one sometme. Hey, since you are HELL bent on doing one EVERY weekend, you could be my rabbit in one. ;)
Jullian -
Hey now you are on to something !
Hey Shari-
I love Wendell & Sarah yep PCTR. They both ran Javelina 100 this past weekend and both PR'd for 100 miles.
There son Aaron 11 ran the 12 hour run in San Francisco and ran his first ultra 50k. I was so proud of him.
LOL...Yes I do run an Ultra every weekend if there's one around!
50k is short for me so when I do run one. I always run 20 miles the day before. This way I get my back to backs in.
I'm not fast at 50k. I think you could kick ass at that distance.
I'm more of a 50m, 100m girl ;)
I love running on Diablo! I have logged many miles there. I have even ran a solo 100 miles out there a couple years ago. Running in a winter storm is so fun out there.
I would love to run a 50m, and will look into it after Boston in April. I have to get the OK from my MRI before I start speed/distance training again. I have been playing it easy because i don't want my bulging disk to turn into a ruptured disk. I am amazed I can run everyday as it is....my right side gets numb and painful - but i just keep running anyway. My chiro and doctors just shake their heads at me ;)
I too LOVE running in storms. Last year when it rained all winter I loved running along the ocean! The wind was so knarley that i almost got blown over a few times....you end up soaking wet and drained. i LOVE that feeling!!! Hey, guess that's why you run 100m every weekend - to keep a steady flow of that feeling running through you. Yea, i am a fast runner and i might be able to run a 50k fast...as long as my back gets better. Thanks for the kudos. Take care and I'd say go ut for a run, but i bet you already did;)
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