Yesterday Brendan and I went to San Jose to share Thnksgiving dinner with my dad and his girlfriend, Angie, and her family. It was quiet and traditional - huge table with all the good china and silver. We held hands and prayed and everybody said what they were thankful for. Of course I cried, because this was the first year ever that my children weren't with me for Thanksgiving dinner. I missed them terribly. I know they were having a great time with their dad, because I called them all throughout the day...I just wish I could have told them in person that i was thankful for them. This whole "you get them this year, I get them next year" arrangement is difficult for me, and I'm sure for Randy as well. We both want the children with us. I didn't get to have dessert with them as planned because they didn't even eat dinner until later and I didn't want to see anybody but the children - so I was at home missing them. Brandon called me and we talked for a while....I explained that i would see them today and we could have pie together....he said he missed me too. It's the hard part of divorce....missing parts of their lives. I do get them for Christmas though, and I will take them to my families over the hill for Christmas day activities - then Randy will be feeling like I felt last night. It's never fair - one of us will always feel left out. I hope one day we can do holidays together as friends and then neither one of us will feel like I did last night - lonely, missing my children.
I'm off to CrossFit to work off the dinner, drinks and dessert from last night. I was planning on starting my holiday shopping today also.....and get the decorations out of storage and hang lights on the house. Again, I will miss the kids for that. I'll keep the important stuff to do when I have them on Sunday.
Shari...I am sure the day will come when both families can be together on the holidays. Trevor's Dad and Stepmom where over here yesterday and we always spend Christmas eve with them as well. I know yor situtation is a little different, but make it something that you can try to achieve by the next holiday season.
There is nothing that I would enjoy more than to have neither Randy or I have to be without the children on a holiday. I hope that by next year we can do just that. Thanks...
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