We had a great time last night trick or treating. We went to Scotts Valley in the Vineyards housing area where it was filled with kids in costumes. I felt sorry for the home owners there...the amount of money they must have spent on candy to keep up with the continual stream of trick or treaters was probably crazy!! Then we headed back to Santa Cruz and hooked up with our cousins who live around the corner from us. This is my daughter Sarah, my son Brandon and in the front little cousin Hailey and her brother, cousin Jesse. Jesse managed to have a trampoline accident the day before Halloween which fractured his skull and gave him one helluva shiner. He should have dressed up as a UFC fighter ;)
Loved your post on "there is more to life", great reminder!
Olga -
thanks for the drop by. It is important to remember we can't be running all the time - and there will be a time when our bodies stop...my legacy without running is my focus now....that's what's most dear to me. Take care!!
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