Beautiful running day in Santa Cruz this morning ! The WOD was listed at a 5k - I'm running 13 miles instead. I just feel like running for distance today. I'll get some CrossFit training in this evening, hopefully Brendan will get to workout with me, instead of just coaching me. I have a feeling it'll be hard and heavy!! Good thing I'm totally in the Zone!! Yesterday I had my MRI finally done at the Pain Institute. My L5 disk has been diagnosed as "bulging" - have a lot of discomfort in my right side when I run now...from shoulder all the way to foot. Why don't i stop running you ask ? Well it's simple really - I CAN'T!!! I even started running with ice bags when the pain first manifested. I'm just glad I don't have too much pain anymore - just aches. Hopefully the MRI will come back with good news, and I will be cleared to run the many marathons I have planned - including Boston in April where i hope to run my fastest time yet. I tell the docs "fix me and get me back on the road!" Well - hope you all get out there and have a great day. Hopefully it includes running!!!
Thought for the day : "A daily hit of athletic induced endorphins will give you the power to make better decisions and help you be at peace with yourself." - GREAT advice!!!
You need to be careful. I had a bulging disk in my L5-S1 that went to a herniated disk and I was down and out for 3 weeks. Couldn't even go to work. So be careful and listen to those doctors. BTW...You look amazing.
Hey Tracy,
thanks for the advice....believe it or not I am careful and do listen to my body. It doesn't hurt anymore, just discomfort sometimes. Today the run felt GREAT!!! I'll know more when the tests come back. Thanks for the love and the compliment...you look great too girlie!!
I am amazed by the amount of work you do, Shari.
I was thinking about taking an extra rest day and not do the clean and jerk and rowing workout I had planned because I am sore and tired, but your work ethic and passion has convinced me to go to the gym anyways.
I have never met you before but I train at Crossfit SC during my breaks from college and I have trained with Brendan a lot.
hey - if you have trained at CrossFit SC, then chances of me knowing you are pretty great since I am there every day. So...who are you ??? Thanks for the kudos - I do have a pretty good work ethic and devotion to working out/running/the Zone/ and just moving in general. Glad to hear that you decided to 86 that rest day you had planned!! Rest days are WAY overrated anyway!!! :)take care and when are you going to be at SC xfit again ?
My name's Russ Greene. I should be back in CA around late December. My parents live in Pebble Beach so even when I am in CA it's hard for me to make it up more than twice a week, but I love to go up there because the training environment is so positive. Just when I think I've made some progress Greg A., Brendan, or Nicole does something I didn't think was even possible, and I get a new goal to shoot for.
I know EXACTLY what you mean - Brendan, Greg A., and Nicole are amazing athletes who definitely give you some crazy goal to shoot for. Maybe we'll get to throw a workout at cha come December..;) Take care and thanks for the message.
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