Monday, November 20, 2006

Another beautiful day in paradise....

This was the view out my bedroom window this morning. Yup - I live in the best place ever! Watching the sunrise and hearing the waves crash makes me smile inside - even when my heart is heavy or I'm introverted in thought. I couldn't go for a run early enough, so I went to CrossFit first - before running. Here's the workout we did :

10 pullups
15 Kettlebell swings (40 pound dumbell)
20 ball slams (20 pound ball)
25 pass throughs on paralettes

5 rounds for time
It was a perfect workoout for me today. Afterwards I went for a massage to get some kinks worked out of my shoulder. That felt great!! Tonight I am going for a distance run. Nothing fast - just time and distance...hopefully 12 - 13. No running partner tonight, but that's okay. Sometimes alone time is just what you need to quiet the noise in your head. The marathon is quickly approaching and I hope my body holds up cuz I plan on running the sucker

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Jonny Ringo said...

That view has got to make it a lot easier to get up in the morning. :-)

Shari Baby said...

You bet it does! Nothing like running early....